
Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Power of Journalism..."ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP" !!

So up until this point my blog has been focused on several men and the era leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In this period, we had men like Samuel Adams and Thomas Paine with there journalistic wisdom help shape America as we know it. Then my blog took a shift to one man, Father Coughlin, a Catholic priest who took to the airwaves and published his hateful rhetoric across America. In each of these topics my blog shows the immense power through journalism that these individuals have had by using words in print and voice. My final blog topic from Mightier than the Sword by Rodger Streitmatter will be on chapter 13, Watergate Forces the President to his Knees. Here we will see that the power of journalism can and definitely did force the fall of the leader of the United States of America

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