
Friday, November 19, 2010

My personal thoughts and why I chose the chapter on Father Coughlin

I chose Chapter 8, Father Coughlin, in Mightier than the Sword. One of the main reasons I chose this chapter is because I find it baffling as to why person can be so ignorant and close-minded in our world. The thing that really interested me in my research and reading through my blog was that I really didn't find any significant reason to one question….Why?? Why did this man go from a boy being raised in a Catholic home to a priest in the Catholic Church to spewing so much hate and anger? Did something in his upbringing spark this change in personality? Another reason I chose this chapter is because I find it fascinating that one man can have so much power and influence with his words and writings to have people become followers. There is a small part of me that is envious of the man. Don’t get me wrong in no way shape or form am I a bigot. The reason I am envious is because there is a part of me that wishes I could have the power that he had. The only difference I would have would be that I could spread positive and use it to help the people of this world. I hope the information I have gathered for you in this second project is useful. It has really opened up my eyes.

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