
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Wrap Up.....Journalism 1763-1776

As you can see by the information I have gathered in this blog, the focus seems to point to 2 men in particular Samuel Adams and Thomas Paine. These two men were the powerhouses in the literary world at the time prior to the Revolutionary War. There words and writings were made known to people and these words help shape and influence events in the time period of 1763-1776. I really find it inspiring as you can see from the information gathered in my blog that these two men were able to use their straightforward words to make such a significant change in forming the great country as we know it today. I have really enjoyed creating this blog for it has given me so much new knowledge on this fascinating period of time in American History. Personally, I have learned so much. I hope you have enjoyed the information and my personal insights and comments regarding this period of time in history.

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